Friday, February 21, 2014

Yale Professor Receives Inaugural Award

By Phin Upham

Yale announced on Sep. 4 that the International Sociology Association (ISA) has honored Yale sociology professor Immanuel Wallerstein with the inaugural Excellence in Research and Practice Award.

He received the award because of his numerous contributions to the field of sociology, from various publications and lectureships to numerous books. Some of his books include “The Modern World-System,” “Historical Capitalism,” “The Road to Independence: Ghana and the Ivory Coast,” and “European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power.” Wallerstein is also Binghamton University’s director emeritus of the Fernand Braudel Center.

He is the senior research scholar in Yale’s Department of Sociology, and joined the department in 2000. He was honored with the Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award from the American Sociological Association in 2003.

Created in March, the Excellence in Research and Practice Award will be granted every four years to a sociologist who helps promote the study and practice of sociology by exceptional contributions to the profession and the field. Wallerstein will be given the award in July 2014 at a ceremony at the World Congress of the ISA in Yokohama. From 1994 to 1998, Wallerstein served as president of the ISA.

Read the official press release:

Friday, February 14, 2014

CEO Longevity: Phin Upham

By Phin Upham

Here’s a new SlideShare I created from my essay “CEO Longevity.” The presentation covers the main points of William Ocasio’s essay “Political Dynamics and the Circulation of Power: CEO succession in U.S. industrial Corporations,” including the two models through which he analyses CEO longevity: The institutionalization of power model and the circulation of power view.

You may also Download the same article on below site:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Forest Fire Investing

By Phin Upham

How does one analyze something as complex as investing from a global perspective? Sometimes it’s easier to see what others don’t see by looking at the forest instead of the trees. For instance, if there was a contest to see which professionals could predict what would be the tallest tree in the forest ten years from now, how would different professionals approach the competition? The botanist who specializes in tree species might select the fastest growing tree. An immunologist, someone who specializes in tree disease, might notice a certain disease in the forest and select the tree that was immune to it. An expert in soil, or a pedologist, might go for the tree planted in the most fertile land.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

All We Need Is a Paradigm by Phin Upham

By Phin Upham

“All We Need Is a Paradigm” is a collection of essays on science, economics, and logic from The Harvard Review of Philosophy. I had the privilege of editing this collection, which was published by Open Court Publishing Company in 2009. This book contains fourteen philosophical essays exploring topics such as physics, mathematics, and music. At the Harvard Review of Philosophy we stress the value of philosophical rigor for exploring the widest range of fields and issues. Perhaps one of the chief strengths of philosophy is that it is useful as a versatile methodology for analysis, that it can be used in conjunction with other disciplines rather than only in isolation from them.
We believe philosophy can be as enriching to the lawyer, the physicist, the craftsman, and the musician as to the professional philosopher. In particular, the authors in this collection employ philosophy to better understand important topics in the hard and social sciences. There is a burgeoning and productive study at the intersections of philosophy and science of evolving scientific paradigms and of the assumptions underlying the ‘laws of nature’. Many of the authors in this collection find philosophy particularly helpful in understanding the principles that underlie the experimental and theoretical ideas in these other fields and in unfolding and resolving the paradoxes that confound traditional approaches. Three major themes come up again and again in the essays and often lead to fruitful philosophical insight—the nature of language, the nature of causality, and the nature of human cognition. This book is on sale at Amazon and on eBay.